Waaaaaaaaaay back when there was still sunshine and happiness here in central Indiana, Emma+Nick and this guy with a camera showed up in a (mostly) empty field to take some engagement pictures. What came of it was one of my most favorite sessions from last year; I hope you like it as much as I do.

Random walls in random places are random fun.

The ultimate photo prop. =o)

You guys are so awesome together.

Then we drove around for a bit. =o)

Holding hands is one of the simplest little things that people do to show they're in love. It's so cool.

Good dog.

The wedding is coming up SOON! And I just can't wait for it.
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You should visit your blog more often! I like these pictures and would love to see more! :)
oooh! i like this session! :) (look at me, commenting a year later.) favorites:
1. them in front of that tall wall!
2. just their feet & hands in the tall grass :). .... canvas!
3. their save-the-date dough :) :) :)
nice work!!!
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