Is it me you're looking for?
...Okay, seriously. Blogging. Who does it anymore? (Everyone.) Who has TIME for it anymore? (Everyone.) Who even WANTS to read blogs anymore?? (Everyone.)
Okay, "Everyone," here's my pledge to finally get off my keister and get around to some sweet, sweet blog action. Are you ready for several days of rocking your blogsocks off?
Let's start with Kelly+Ryan (whose raaaaaad engagement session you may remember from about a billion years ago):

I love the look that parents get on wedding days.

(Brides usually have some looks of their own.) =o)
So, while we were all hanging out at the hotel while the girls were getting ready... the fire alarm goes off. (Hotel fire alarms go off for nothing and everything, by the way.) We were told — respectfully — that we had to get the fudge out of the hotel and get away from the building. As we were walking downstairs, we saw the fire truck pulling up outside AND I happen to know from experience that the Carmel F.D. are just about the nicest people in the world. So we got our photo on.

And that, folks, is what a blog post usually looks like. Sorry for the months of silence but there's some really great stuff I've been hoarding that really needs some showin' off. =o) Stay tuned!
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