(For added realism, imagine you're also a photographer carrying roughly 30 pounds of camera gear in a heavy, canvas bag, dressed in black, mostly, running around the gardens in dress shoes with a huge bottle of water in tow. You're starting to sweat like mad and you have a constant fear that you're going to start wilting flowers with your B.O.)
(You don't, of course, because you're a professional, and your sweat smells like warm chocolate cookies.)
Now that your mind is all set, let's take a stroll through one of my favorite weddings of the year:

I had no idea what Kate's dress was going to look like, but I think all of us were just blown away by how perfect it was. A+ work!

For time and sanity's sake Kate+Ben chose to see each other before the ceremony (which, as a dagnabin' professional, I think is always a good idea), and I just could not get Ben to stop smiling. One of the happiest grooms ever.

I think you'd call this a shed.

Kate had some of the best attendants ever.



Someone that someone knows had this gorgeous Buick to lend as the getaway car. As a verified Nut For All Things Old And Motorized, I had to take a gazillion pictures.

(Iced tea station not included with purchase of car.)

I was also a huge fan of the all-baby's-breath bouquet. It was so perfect for this wedding.

I posted this photo on Facebook about 2 seconds after I saw it on my computer screen for the first time, because I just loved how that light came through.

The white/ivory/gold/baby's breath carried over to... well, pretty much everything at the reception. Which was also gorgeous and required me to take about a gazillion photos.

Kate had a special groom's cake ordered for Ben... who was not expecting anything and looked like a kid on Christmas when the cake came out.

I don't usually post family formals on the blog. We take them, obviously, but they're usually just not altogether interesting. And then there's Kate's family, who may have taken the World's Greatest Family Formal Photo.

If you haven't already (in the four-ish months its been since these photos were first posted) you can check out their full photo gallery on the proofing site; the passcode for the gallery is Ben's (and now Kate's) last name, all lower-case. And look for more blog-catch-up-goodness during Blog Catch-Up Goodness week.
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