Thursday, May 1, 2008

Erin+Kevin Married!

A cute little chapel, a rad couple, and a gorgeous spring afternoon all came along for a rocking wedding in Terre Haute.

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Enter the Kev:

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LOVE that white space.

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Getting down at the reception. A little Indian food will make you want to do that.

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I may have gone a little far with the B&W... but how awesome is this pose!?

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Terre Haute » Wow! Last Saturday was such an awesome day with Erin, Kevin, and their families. I was a *little* nervous to see how the day would unfold – outdoor wedding, college campus, likeliness of gorilla costumes, etc. – but it was SO much fun. White Chapel on the RHIT campus is a beautiful place, and the perfect spot to watch the rafts float up to cheer on the ceremony. =o)

As the nerves settled down, Erin and Kevin slipped back into their comfort zones and you could really, really see the love these two have for each other. The smiles, looks, and little moments were gushing with complete adoration – and we got a few great pictures out of it!

Thanks for letting me be a part of your big day!

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1 comment:

christina said...

oops, i meant to put that comment from the last post on this post! and as i go back through the photos...i realized that she may be dancing, not tossing the bouquet. anyways!!! :)